VETERAN ‘WATERMAN’, Brian Talma, and accomplished surfer, Chelsea Tuach are now official sports tourism ambassadors for Barbados.
In a press briefing at the offices of the Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc. (BTMI), senior director, support services, Neville Boxill, commended both Tuach and Talma on their exploits and efforts to date in the surfing arena. These appearances and world-class performances around the globe, he acknowledged, continue to raise the profile of the Barbados across the world as a premier sports tourism destination.
He also expressed the BTMI’s commitment to helping them to go even further through collaborative tourism marketing activities during events and shows around the world, and through traditional and digital media.
“One of the methodologies the BTMI has been using, in order to push Barbados to broaden awareness for our product globally and to increase our exposure, has been to partner with icons, with top Barbadian sportspersons, in order to reach out to their following and to increase our exposure. It gives us extreme pleasure today to announce that we have entered into a sponsorship and ambassadorial programme, starting with Brian and Chelsea.”
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