What is the BCWT?

“Like the ocean, it breaks on every continent, and feeds the hearts of hungry watermen and women across the globe. It knows no boundaries and follows no particular law. Just as wild and amped as the ocean, it’s the Beach Culture World Tour.”

The Beach Culture World Tour travels across the world showcasing beach culture through a blend of competing, or promotional activities at events, the activities include  beach art, music, and entertaining the spectators with conch shell blowing competitions.  First developed by Brian Talma in 1996, the Beach Culture World Tour shows off the unique lifestyle and competitive spirit of the pro action water sport community.   The waterman who has the most fun, is most entertaining and most inspiring emerges as the Champion.” As Brian says,” It’s important to be present, not scared to fail, crank deAction and get paid to play; and who has the most fun…..wins!!”

The Beach Culture World Tour is an all you can eat buffet of surf, kitesurf, SUP, windsurf, art, music, ‘limin’ and water action that will have your jowls drooling for some liquid distraction. Even though the Beach Culture World Tour is fun, it’s still a competitive environment where deAction Man entertains major pro athletes. Talma has hosted the likes of Josh “Aloha Man” Stone and Diony Guadagnino. “People part of the Beach Culture World Tour…we have such high respect that we don’t tread on each others’ territory. We unite for the betterment of the vision…The goal is to take this concept of living on the beach and it’s also to motivate people to find their passion.” The Beach Culture World Tour has whet appetites for the beach action lifestyle around the world: Australia, England, across the Caribbean, South Africa, Hawaii, Germany, New York and Turkey.